We are excited to announce that from April 24 we will be making the move to new rooms on the Western Beach Waterfront: 15A The Esplanade. The Vascular Surgicentre is purpose built for us to combine consulting sessions, dedicated vascular ultrasound assessment and ambulatory outpatient vein treatment. Our laser vein clinic is available to all patients with lower limb vein disease – surgery in hospital is no longer required. Arterial patients; with aortic aneurysms, carotid disease, lower limb ischaemia; remain to be treated by angio-intervention or open surgery at St John of God. We look forward to welcoming your patients to our new surgery.
Modern treatment of varicose veins
New to the frontier of Vascular Surgery is minimally invasive treatment of varicose veins. The practice of open vein surgery in hospital, performed under general anaesthetic and usually including deep groin dissection, has been abandoned in our service as it has in most modern phlebology practices in the Western World. It has been replaced with ambulatory outpatient treatment, comprising endovenous laser ablation of incompetent main-stem veins, ultra-sound guided sclerotherapy, microphlebectomies, and visual microsclerotherapy. Treatments are performed under local anaesthetic, with ultrasound guidance. This provides patients with walk-in walk-out therapy, less perioperative discomfort, less invasive and inherently safer therapy, and early return to normal activity. Each procedure attracts a generous Medicare rebate when patients have reached the extended Medicare safety net threshold; making it affordable for most. Private health insurance cover is not necessary.