As we all face the health and financial implications of the current Corona virus pandemic, at Geelong Vascular Service we extend our sympathy to everyone struggling to manage.
We provide this note to explain what is happening in our service, and how we are able to offer ongoing support to our patients and healthcare referrers.
Geelong Vascular Service – clinic appointments
We continue to provide an essential service to our patients with arterial and venous disease, but do so within the constraints imposed on surgical service more broadly. We pride ourselves on providing a safe and hygienic environment at all times, and have made changes to ensure this standard continues to be applied.
- Consulting: A/Prof McClure remains available to see any patients in the clinic who have a scheduled appointment, with the exception of anyone with symptoms of an upper respiratory illness. On booking an appointment, patients are asked about the possibility of them being in contact with COVID-19. Those at risk are advised to seek the opinion of their general practitioner.
- Patient care: Patients are requested to attend appointments on their own, unless they are accompanying a minor or other dependent. We have limited the space in our waiting room, and have staggered appointment times, but some attendees may be asked to wait in their car until they can be seen. All patients presenting to the clinic are asked to wash their hands in the bathroom, and apply a hand sanitiser on arrival.
- Staff: All staff will practice social distancing, use hand santiser before, during and after all interactions, and will disinfect all surfaces after contact on them is made. Face masks are worn at all times, but no staff member will be permitted at work if ill with a respiratory condition.